Say Goodbye to Spiders With Trusted Spider Infestation Solutions by Smash Pest Control

Spiders are fascinating and revolting. Although they hunt other insects and help keep pest populations in check, the thought of them lurking in darkened corners around your home is enough to send a cold shiver down your spine. With Smash Pest Control’s elite spider control services, you can breathe easy knowing your home is protected from your eight-legged foes.

What Are the Most Common Spiders Found in Middle Tennessee?

While often considered pests, spiders play a valuable role in pest control by devouring mosquitoes, ants, and other bugs. Although they’re known to invoke fear, most spiders pose no threat to humans. However, there are a few venomous varieties to be aware of.

Middle Tennessee has a diverse spider population, each with unique characteristics. These are the most common:

  • The common house spider. When you see a spider in your home, it’s most likely a common house spider. These yellowish-brown arachnids are often found in homes, garages, sheds, and other structures near humans. They’re known for their chaotic webs that are usually located in dark corners to lure prey.
  • The brown recluse. Brown recluses are shy spiders that have gotten a bad reputation because of their venomous bite. They’re not aggressive, but they will bite if threatened or surprised. They typically hide out in quiet, undisturbed areas such as closets, basements, and woodpiles. Brown recluse spiders have a distinctive pattern on the top of their body that looks like a violin and is much darker than the rest of their body.
  • The black widow. Black widow spiders have the famous red hourglass that can be found on their underbelly, but this can sometimes appear as simply two red dots. Black widow venom is a nerve toxin and its effects are rapid. Victims suffer painful rigidity of the abdomen and usually a tightness of the chest. Blood pressure and body temperature may rise and sweating, localized swelling and a feeling of nausea may occur. Someone who suspects a black widow bite should seek medical attention immediately.
  • The wolf spider. Wolf spiders are large and hairy spiders. They prefer the outdoors where they can take refuge under rocks or in shrubbery, but will venture indoors when the weather gets too cold. Wolf spiders are free-roaming and make no webs.
  • The jumping spider. Jumping spiders are agile hunters known for their ability to leap significant distances. They are often found on walls, fences, and vegetation, where they stalk their prey.
  • The cellar spider. Also known as daddy longlegs, these spiders can be identified by their long, delicate legs. You can find them hanging upside down in basements, garages, and damp areas.

How Many Legs Do Spiders Have?

All spiders have eight legs, unlike insects which have six legs. This is a defining characteristic of the entire arachnid group, which includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites. If you see a critter but you’re unsure about whether it’s an insect or an arachnid, the legs are a key indicator.

Another distinguishing feature between spiders and insects is the number of eyes it has. Most insects are equipped with two eyes. Spiders typically have eight eyes, but certain species have as many as 12 eyes!

What Does a Brown Recluse Bite Look Like?

Not all spiders bite humans. Many spider species have fangs that are not capable of penetrating human skin. Most spiders look to avoid humans because we’re too big to be a viable meal option and a confrontation with us doesn’t tend to end well for them.

When a spider is capable of biting a human and injecting venom, it can have dire consequences. Case in point: the brown recluse spider. Contrary to popular belief, confirmed brown recluse spider bites are quite rare in the U.S. with a few hundred verified incidents every year. Brown Recluse bites almost always occur between March and October.

Brown recluse spider bites have a distinct appearance. A brown recluse spider bite may not be painful at first. Some people don’t even realize they’ve been bitten until symptoms progress later. Within hours, you may develop redness in the area of the bite which later turns into a pale center surrounded by a red ring that resembles a bull’s-eye. A blister may form at the site of the bite within 24 to 72 hours. While death has been recorded it is extremely rare.

If you suspect you have been bitten by a brown recluse spider, seek medical attention right away.

Where Are Black Widow Spiders Found?

Black widow spiders like quiet, dark, and secluded areas at ground level that include abandoned buildings and garages. When they do wander into a home, they usually set up shop in a space that isn’t frequented by other occupants.

Black widows may seek shelter in the following areas:

  • Basements and cellars
  • Crawl spaces
  • Closets
  • Garages
  • Sheds
  • Attics
  • Storage areas
  • Behind furniture and appliances
Black Widow Spider

Get Rid of Spiders in Your Home – Schedule an Inspection Now!

Remember that maintaining a spider-free environment is an ongoing process. Regular inspections and taking swift action when you see warning signs are key to preventing infestations and ensuring the comfort and safety of your home. At Smash Pest Control, we’re confident that we can smash your spider problem – guaranteed. Request a free quote online or give us a call at 615-551-4029.


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